Quote of the Week
💡 insert quote of the week
Monday 11
- [x] Planning (10min)
- [x] Complete study and exercices of chapters BIO
- [x] Review all chapters (1h max)
Tuesday 12
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [x] Planning (15min)
- [x] Study chemistry (20min)
- [x] Check the TPL chemistry (10min)
- [x] Take the french BOOK
- [x] Chemistry class (2h)
- [x] Qc. litterature class (2h)
- [x] Transport (1h)
- [ ] Physical exercices (30min)
- [ ] Wash myself (around 1h)
- [ ] Cleaning the house (bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and cooking) (2h max)
- [ ] Study chemistry
Wednesday 13
- [ ] Physics class
- [ ] Finish French test
- [ ] Study chemistry
- [ ] Practice chemistry
- [ ] Start story (maladaptive daydreaming)
Thursday 14
Friday 15
Saturday 16
Sunday 17
ongoing to do list
- [ ] Cleaning the house (bathroom, room, kitchen, etc.)
- [ ] Prep pour demain
- [ ] Self-care (douche, nails, hair, etc.)
- [ ] Éxercices de Bio
- [ ] Éxercices de chimie
- [x] Finir pour de bon le TPL de chimie
- [x] Préalab de chimie
upcoming due dates
- [x] Examen 2 de chimie
- [ ] Laboratoire de physique
- [ ] Test de litt. qc
- [ ] Laboratoire de chimie